Friday, May 6, 2011

Mirrors of evil eye

Whenever I look, it says "You're disgusting". So I broke it. But he's everywhere now.
It doesn't matter whatever part of my body I look, it's just repulsing and full of anomalies.
It's hard to say I love me when I don't.
To be strong and say you're there when you haven't found yourself.
Do yourself a favor and don't trust me.
I can't help you.
Help me first.
It's unbearing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A dear for me.

It's easy to lose my life for someone,

But it's still so hard to live for yourself.

It's easy to give my heart away,

yet I never knew it hurt more when you knew you hit the wall.

I know it's easy to get out of that way,

I just never thought how long, would really take this fall.

I just led myself astray,

From what I thought would make me feel so complete.

I saw that it was already at my own feet,

How lonely I really was.

How I know it's easier to tell the world to fuck off

Than to feel anything at all.

If I feel that I look so simple,

Then how does inside it's not like that?

I have no star that shines,

Why can't someone be mine?

I'm already cured.

Please, be my disease.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

An opening in the wall.

I feel so vulnerable to know you.

I feel it's useless to avoid it,

When it's so obviously a dead end.

When I met you I connected.

I don't feel safe to say I love you.

I think you make me free.

I feel that you cheer me up when I'm down.

I feel that I trust you

But we speak so little of one another.

I want to know you.

Please, let me inside.

I don't want to be alone in the cold.

I never saw you but I know you're so beautiful.

I want to see you because I love you.

I don't know about it.

Am I breaking free?

Help me.

Monday, March 21, 2011


No, it's not so famous.

Maybe it's just another dream.

I think it'll be big again.

What else other than a proper nuisance?

Let me ask how alone you trully are...

I love you.

No, you don't.

Why a devil if I can be a wolf?

We're so alike...can I kiss you?

Just something random.

Chaotically in order.

Just a lie.

And nothing more.